Written: May 30, 2019 - UNPAID
Paleo Diet: What is it and Why is it So Popular?
A lot of people are constantly trying out diet trends and fitness regimen that can help make them healthier and achieve their weight loss goals. There are various diets that people have tried and tested, but recently, more people have been talking about the Paleo Diet. But what is the Paleo Diet and why has it become so popular?
What is the Paleo Diet?
Paleo or Paleolithic diet is based on modern-day foods that copy the food groups of the pre-agricultural and hunter-gatherer people. This diet has many benefits, but there are seven basic characteristics to it that helps optimize health, lessen risks of chronic diseases, lose stubborn weight and also keeps them off.
Paleo diet typically includes lean meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts. These are food that can be collected thru hunting or gathering. Other names for the Paleo Diet are Stone Age diet, Caveman Diet and Hunter-gatherer diet.
What is In A Paleo Diet?
People who started and succeed with their Paleo diets are raving about its quick results. One factor that makes this diet ahead of the other is increased protein consumption. The human body really needs more protein than the average person usually consumes. Usually, a normal diet accounts only 15 percent o the daily calorie needs. Paleo diet is comprised of 19-35 percent of protein from meats, fish, seafood and other animal products which are present in the contemporary approaches to the hunter-gatherer type of eating.
Apart from higher protein consumption, Paleo diet also brings in a higher intake of fresh fruits and vegetables which helps in blood sugar regulation. About 35-45 percent of the Paleo diet is comprised of non-starchy fresh vegetables and fruits which will not cause any harm to your blood sugar levels and a great diet for people with diabetes. This is due to the fact that most of these foods have low glycemic indices and are slowly digested then absorbed by the body.
Paleo diet limits the consumption of food products that came with the onset of farming like grains, legumes, dairy products, and other starchy foods. It also calls for moderate fat consumption and a better balance of omega 3 and 6 fats.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Paleo
Proponents of this diet claim that Paleo is the healthiest form of nutrition that people has ever consumed. Paleo is very well-suited with human genetics and body chemistry and serves different functions to keep the body’s strength, fitness, and health.
Its advantages include the prevention of lifestyle diseases and infections which can be attributed to defective food that people are currently consuming and the weaker immune system. Your diet influences the strength of the immune system and with the Paleo, you get the following health advantages:
· Prevention of Obesity and obesity-related health concerns such as heart diseases, diabetes, and hypertension.
· Prevention of Auto-immune infections and diseases such as systemic lupus, multiple sclerosis, and other auto-immune conditions.
· Better digestive processes and conditions, lower risk of constipation, metabolic issues or digestive ailments.
· Prevention against neuro-degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s diseases, Dementia and Parkinson’s Diseases.
But not all diets are perfect and Paleo also have several disadvantages health-wise.
· Deficiency in Vitamin D and calcium which are known to prevent bone problems like osteoporosis and fractures.
· Limitations in protein may lead to loss of muscle mass and weakness and the increased propensity to develop infections.
· Significant salt intake in Paleo can directly lead to cardiac illnesses as well as high blood pressure.
Paleo diet is generally a better choice over most diet trends with just a few rules on one’s geographical and environmental situations.
How to Start on the Paleo Diet
Just like any health and fitness endeavors, the starting point is always the hardest and most challenging part. Here are some methods that can help you move on for your current diet towards the healthier Paleo Diet.
Strict Method - for people who like rules and wants to be orderly. If you can cook and you have time, plan your meals carefully by introducing Paleo foods and essentials. Dispose of all your non-paleo foods and try not to eat out.
Gentle Method - For people who think that rules and guides never really work. There are several options to make it work for you. First is to commit on one low-sugar meal each day as a start. Then you can replace your main dishes with Paleo versions and add Paleo food like vegetables and meat.
Keep in mind that doing the Paleo diet means you are pursuing a healthier lifestyle and no one is forcing you to do it. This will make it easier for you to make food choices as you turn to look more on fish, meats, vegetables, and fruits. If possible, cook more and avoid eating out. It also helps to keep a food diary to help you correlate food and your overall feeling.
Paleo Recipes
In the Paleo diet, there is not much cooking as most meals focus on fresh and raw. Most paleo recipes include these food items:
· Lean meat from grass-fed animals and wild game
· Fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids like mackerel and salmon
· Fruits
· Nuts and Seeds
· Vegetables
· Healthy Oils like Olive and Walnut Oil
As much as possible, avoid these ingredients in your Paleo recipes:
· Refined sugar
· Salt
· Grains like oats and wheat
· Legumes like lentils, beans, and peas
· Dairy products like milk and cheese
· Potatoes
· Processed Foods
A typical Paleo diet menu may include broiled salmon and fruit for breakfast, broiled lean pork and salad for lunch, and roast lean beef with steamed broccoli and salad for dinner. It is fairly easy to prepare Paleo foods because of the easy cooking methods and salad mix that they follow. This diet also emphasizes the importance of proper hydration and physical activity every day.
And Don’t Forget – Sleep, De-stress and Exercise
The Paleo diet may help you lose extra weight or maintain your ideal weight. There are plenty of health benefits too. But there are no long-term clinical studies about the real benefits and potential risks of this diet. Looking at it, you may also achieve the same results by sticking to a balanced diet, exercise and increased consumption of fruits and vegetables.
Any effort on having a healthier lifestyle will never be complete without proper sleep, de-stressing and having regular exercise. These are all required in the Paleo because it is not just about food. And just in case you ate something you should, gave into an impulse or cheat on your Paleo diet, don’t fret too much. It is okay so just forgive yourself.
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