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Monday, June 24, 2019

Busy Student

For present-day students, there seem to be not enough hours in one day to accomplish everything that they need to do or get done. One of the problems that youth face today is overbooking and overloading of student activities. Most students today are involved in everything - academic competitions, athletics, hobbies, and organizations. It is becoming a norm for most schools to have students who are always preoccupied with the things that they need to do.

This growing issue of activity-overloading in students is causing a major hindrance in their holistic development. For them to appreciate the knowledge imparted in schools and to apply these learnings in real life, they should be provided with all necessary assistance to manage their time better. Here are three ideas on how students can better handle their busy schedules and manage time better in between classes, tutorials, opportunities, hobbies and relationships.

Collaborate With Parents

More often than not, it is still the parents that hold the keys to a student’s busy schedule. Parents encourage their college student to engage in everything. Parents are the ones who pushes them to join clubs, train on sports activities and other extra-curricular activities. Most parents think that a student needs to join multiple events or activities to become well-rounded and have the best experience in school.

While this may not be a bad thing, but there are instances that academics start to fall short on a student’s busy schedules. He or she may have a fraternity or sorority event coming up and needs to spend more time preparing or organizing the event instead of attending classes and tutorial sessions. Young college students still rely on their parents for advice and guidance, thus, colleges and universities can take advantage of this to influence parents in helping students manage their time better.

Stress Management

Overly busy college students face stress and fatigue. There is no better way to manage stress than to avoid overloading one’s schedule. For some students, stress is unavoidable. This is especially true for students who are also starting to work and make a living.

If this is the case, both the school and the student can work on stress management strategies to make things more tolerable. Keep in mind that stress can be taxing on a student’s mental and physical health. Encourage students to get enough rest and sleep and remind them to eat a healthy diet to help manage stress effectively.

Exercising is also a great way to strengthen the body and release stress and tension from all the activities and academics that they are handling. Students today are also becoming more open to alternative remedies and relaxation techniques like meditation and yoga. Allow students to take short breaks during hectic days like the exam week or during finals.

Getting Help When Needed

One of the best ways for students to manage stress and cope with their busy schedule is by asking for help when necessary. There are students who want to prove their independence by thinking that they can do everything on their own. This should not be the case. They should never become hesitant or ashamed of reducing their burden by declining and asking for assistance.

Start by taking things into perspective and learning to accept that there are some things that cannot be changed. When a student realizes these thoughts, they become less overwhelmed by their heavy loads. There are indeed things that are out of their control and they must focus their energies on things that they can do.

Time Management

Some college students thrive on being busy despite the negative consequences it brings to their academic, personal and social life. For those studying far from home, being busy keeps them from thinking about home and from missing their families. But being overly busy can lead to frustrations, stress, and depression. 

While being busy is some student’s way of coping with their transition to college, learning better time management skills could immensely help them. Universities have so many opportunities to offer to students. By learning how to manage their time better, students can make the most of their stay.

Goal Settings

Having a clear set of goals is one of the best ways for students to focus on. It often allows him or her to perform better in class or on the field. Setting goals allows students to create clear visions of what he or she wants to achieve and set a dateline for it. Student goals should be specific to what he or she plans to achieve. Goals should be realistic and obtainable through his or her action and influence. They must also be able to keep track and measure his or her progress towards reaching that goal. 

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